Play Groups offers extended-day options for four-year-olds who attend either our morning or afternoon sessions. The enrichment option for the morning classes, known as the Adventurers, extends the program from 11:45 am to 2:00 pm and is available on your choice of two days (Tu/Th), three days (M/W/F) or five days (M-F) per week. The enrichment option for the afternoon classes, known as the Explorers, extends the program from 10:15 am to 12:30 pm and is available only on three days (M/W/F) per week.
Children in the Adventurers and Explorers programs enjoy enrichment activities in a small group of only 10 children and staffed with a certified teacher and teaching assistant. The program offers many activities that support the Creative Curriculum® such as science experiments, cooking activities, literacy experiences and more. Inquiry-based exploration of an environment filled with varied materials encourages children to experiment, manipulate, hypothesize and think critically. The program also offers children further opportunities for both gross and fine motor development as they grow and gain strength, agility and coordination, as well as additional opportunities for outdoor learning.